How to Avoid Self-Medicating While Coping With Chronic Pain

Chronic pain caused by injury or illness can be challenging to manage for individuals in recovery from substance use disorder (SUD). Most prescription medications designed for pain relief are highly addictive and meant for short-term use. Unfortunately, medical professionals often overprescribe them leading to possible dependency and misuse. According to the Centers for Disease Control […]
Using Art to Process Emotions

The famous painter Georgia O’Keeffe once said, “I found I could say things with color and shapes that I couldn’t say any other way – things I had no words for.” Art has a direct connection to your soul. Have you ever looked at a stunning photograph or watched a beautifully choreographed dance and felt […]
Living One Day at a Time

An essential part of embracing the 12-Step philosophy that many people use to maintain sobriety includes taking “one day at a time.” The concept involves staying mindful and moving forward rather than focusing on things you cannot change about the past. Every day is a chance to make better choices and be a positive role […]
Animal-Assisted Therapy and Your Continuing Care

Animal-Assisted Therapy (AAT) describes any therapeutic method that involves using an animal in treatment. Researchers have known for decades that interacting with animals decreases stress, anxiety, and symptoms of depression. Recently AAT has become more popular. All types of animals are being used to help people overcome mental health and physical challenges related to substance […]